The Kama Sutra

(Kāmasūtra) is an ancient Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life. Attributed to Vatsyayana, the Kama Sutra is not exclusively and not primarily a sex book about sex positions, but is written as a guide to the "art of life" well, the nature of love, finding a life mate, maintaining one's love life and other aspects pertaining to enjoyment-oriented faculties of human life.

Kamasutra is the oldest surviving Hindu text in erotic life. It is a sutra-genre text with close aphoristic verses that survive into the modern age with different Bahasia (exposition and commentary). The text is a combination of prose verses and meter-high poetry. The text acknowledges the Hindu concept of Purusharthas and lists passion, sexuality, and emotional fulfillment as one of the right goals of life. Her chapters discuss courtship methods, training in the arts to be socially involved, finding a partner, flirting, staying power in marriage, when and how to commit adultery, sexual attitudes, and other issues. Most of the book deals with philosophy and love theory, what inspires passion, what sustains it and how and when it is good or bad.

The text is one of many of the Indian texts on the Kama that were slapped. It is a much-translated work in Indian and non-Indian languages. The Kamasutra influenced many secondary texts that came after the 4th century AD, as well as the Indian arts as they demonstrated the penetrating presence of Kama reliefs and statues in old Hindu temples. Of these, Kajorahu in Madhya Pradesh is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Of the surviving temples in northern India, one in Rajasthan is sculpting all the major chapters and sexual positions to illustrate the Kamasutra. According to Wendy Doniger, the Kamasutra became "one of the most pirated English-language books" shortly after it was published in 1883 by Richard Burton. Burton's first European edition does not reflect much faith in Kamasutra as it revised the collaborative translation of Bhagavanlal Indrajit and Shivaram Parashuram Bhide with Forster Arbanot to fit 19th-century Victorian flavors.


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    • Date, author, and history
      • The date of the original composition or century for Kamasutra is unknown. Historians have positioned it differently from 400 BC to 300 AD. According to John Kay, the Kama Sutra is a compendium collected in its present form in the second century AD. However, the Indologist and Wendy Doniger who co-translated a sutra and published many articles on related Hindu texts, surely We have changed or revised the version that survived Camutra AD 225 because it mentions Abhair and Andres dynasties that did not rule over central areas of ancient India that year, the text does not mention the Gupta empire that ruled central urban areas in ancient India The antiquities, civilized The Hindu and economics from the 4th century to the 6th century. For these reasons, it lengthens the Kama Sutra in the second half of the 3rd century AD.

        Its place is also unclear. The likely candidates are urban centers in the north or northwest of ancient India, or alternatively in the eastern city (now Patna).

        Vatsyayana Mallanaga is the most popular author because his name is embossed in the colophon verse, but little is known about it. Vatsyayana stated that he wrote the text after much meditation. In the introduction, Vatsyayana recognizes that he distills many ancient texts, but these did not survive. He cites the work of others he calls "teachers" and "scholars," and the longer texts of Udalaki, Bhawarwya, Jataka, Subranbanbha, Gutakamucha, Gonardia, Gonikaputra, Charayana, and Kumara. Vatsyayana's Kamasutra is mentioned and some verses mentioned in Varahamihira's Brihatsamhita, as well as Kalidasa's poems. This implies that he lived before the fifth century AD.

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